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TM Super Squad

Hello all here's a new script. It runs on the browser, but its still under development, and it uses alot of data, so it takes a bit to load. Here is a image so you know what to expect: (Yes trainning option is there too, its not hacking its using own free TM given information on player page and then organizing it into the squad page with the script) So, to use this script you have to run it on the browser, like if you use firefox you should install Grease Monkey:

For chrome GOOD people recommended on answers to this post. And only after that and re-opening firefox(or what ever browser you use) install the script, I'm about to share:

On that page you just press were is says 'RAW' and then install it and taht it! You ready too go.. but, please, if you can STAR my page so i get more people too see and help me on this project. Here is a image illustrating how to install: After this you can just go too your squad page:

It should take a bit to load and if any erros message appears you can just press "Continue" also you can mark option "Always continue" so it doesnt bug you again. You can check time to time The link i shared to see if there is updates, and if so re-install the script. :) VIDEO DEMOSTRATION

FEATURES + Training: Non Pro-users can see in wish skills a player got a point (1) in last training (For pros it just uses normal view), Player Gok Increase in last training (Bigger Gok means player skill increase in a very good place, like a DC gettind heading point), Skill increse, and a way to order by Salary. (maybe there are some interesting things you can do with that). + Scout Skills: Its shows you for each player the reports, so for example if you done 5 reports in the same player you will get even mor accurace in that value since its the average that is used. In that option you will get information like: Potencial, Adaptability, Injury, Charisma, professinalism, Agrassevity, Captain, Gok and Pok.. -Adaptability, Injury, you can only get with pro reports -Potencial,Charisma, professinalism, Agrassevity, Captain you can get with normal scout reports, where Captain is the capacity of that player has a Captain, Gok is how well are the skills destributed, so the Higher the Gok is the better player he is in is FP (Low Gok doesnt mean bad player if you have a 4*+ player but if you have a 3* you probably should look carefull at his skills if Gok is low), and finaly Pok. Its similar to Gok but it takes into account the Potencial of the player. So its possible that a 3* player has same Pok has a 4*. it means they are actually quite alike in there FP; +Set-Pieces: See how good are your players in freekicks penalties and corners, you can even order by that so you pick a good one :p +On-Squad: Its just a option to hide the players selected in the tactics for easy filtering; If it was today i would have done this feature, but well maybe someone likes it. +Skills in Positions: This is a way to kind of see how good your player will be in other position that its not its FP it takes into acount the scout reports (ADAPTABILITY ONES) if they exist if not its suposed a 0% adaptability, still pretty good for emergencies replacement. +Field Play Skills: You can see how good your players are in a playing style and also against a playing style. + Season & Total Player Data: Its data thats all around TM just collected in squad page, you can easly see statistics like the amount of goals per game or assist or even cards and see who usally gets booked :o + Formations detail Team A and B: this features required Refresh the page after active, idont use them much myself but they actually let you know how good in total/average is you Selected team in tactics in all playing styles. + ABout SK1 and SK2 I recived a message asking about those so here is a explanation: You see players have a REC (even before you install the script) that is the start and it goes from 0 to 5 start however those starts only let you know how good player is in general, not actully in is FP. So SK1 is from 0 to 100% how good player is in is FP 1 And SK2 how good player is in is FP 2 so if you have a DC R FP 1 is DC and FP 2 is DR you can see how good he is in difernt position and maybe optimize were to train it or were to use it on field. LOAD TIME EXPLANATION Some people dont like the load time, i suggest you Desactivate the script and when you actuallyneed it activate it again and wait for it too load. The reason it is this slow its not like i want it to be x) so i will try explain you the reason behind that: 1st you have to take into acount squad size (so diferent squads diferent load times, de more players the more slow) Why? 2nd Just think about what the script is doing, for each player it is going to diferent pages in trophy manager and geting all the data in one place. 3rd training information, scout informations, historical information , playing information.. so imagins 4 things the script have to run and get from other places the amount of players you have.. so if you actually have 70 players: 4 * 70 = 280 basacly script is going trough280 pages to get you all that juice and then it still has to make the calculations needed to provide it to you.. so it slow and you are just seeing 1 page there but behind that screenimagine the amount of information it is loading at same time and you will understand why.

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